Are poor memory and concentration symptoms of menopause?
I’ve been asked this question about poor memory and concentration at every Lunch & Learn I’ve given in the past few months.
Women in midlife may experience memory…

The food you eat can moderate your mood
Do you know that the food you eat can moderate your mood? That it can help fight depression, for example?
That’s because, even though most of the fibre you…

The E in the P.L.E.A.S.E Yourself!
The E in the P.L.E.A.S.E Yourself! Six Tips For An Easier Menopause Transition is for
Eating nutritiously
Eat a variety of foods each day to get the…

Everyone knows that “everything (or most things) in moderation is good for you”, so how much alcohol should you or can you drink in menopause? To drink or not to drink? …

12 Tips for Menopause-Friendly Holidays – TIP #9: BODY AWARENESS
Your body knows—usually before your conscious mind does—when you’re hungry, tired, or stressed. Pay attention to its cues – you’ll be more likely to notice anxiety…

12 Tips for Menopause-Friendly Holidays – TIP #6: EAT NUTRITIOUS FOOD
You have choices! And healthy choices don’t necessarily taste bad! When you eat nutritious food you'll feel better and enjoy better health!
Chocolate is processed food,…

Is your home office menopause-friendly?
Is your home office menopause-friendly? Or is it making your menopause worse?
As a pharmacist and Certified Menopause Practitioner, I educate employees, managers, health…

Are your Menopause Symptoms Normal? Me Time Midlife Podcast
I've was recently the guest expert on the Me Time Midlife Podcast, "Are your Menopause Symptoms Normal?".
Here's an overview and a link to the full podcast.
I started looking…

Four fundamentals of good health to boost your immune system
Especially right now we need to maintain a healthy immune system to reduce our chances of getting sick with the corona virus. There are many unsubstantiated claims flying…

Menopause Tips – How to Thrive in the Holidays, #9 DON’T GIVE UP EXERCISE
In this season of stress (and often, over-eating), remember, don't give up exercise! Keeping your life under control while experiencing poor sleep, memory problems, hot…