Menopause on White Coat Black Art with Dr. Brian Goldman
Thank you Dr. Brian Goldman CBC Radio Host and Colleen Ross, award-winning journalist and Senior Producer of White Coat, Black Art and The Dose podcast on CBC Radio, for boradcasting about menopause.
Because menopause is still very much taboo women are caught by surprise when they start perimenopause (the years leading up to menopause).
In perimenopause hormones fluctuate and women feel many changes – physical, cognitive and emotional.
Memory lapses, anger, crying spells, difficulty sleeping, hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, body shape change, aches and pains, are common.
Most women are unprepared for this change. The majority feels very alone on this journey.
Millions of people (everyone born with ovaries) are going through perimenopause as you read this.
Primary care physicians aren’t trained about menopause.
Women have to find answers on their own.
Listen to White Coat Black Art with Dr. Brian Goldman: The Menopause Movement: Part I podcast and learn more here.
I’m a North American Certified Menopause Practitioner (NCMP) and I can help you connect the dots and answer your perimenopause questions. Connect with me here.